Your Sales Roadmap to $100MM ARR

From Startup to Scale Up

APRIL 26-27, 2023 - CHICAGO, IL

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ASSESS your startup’s current state with a focus on revenue, growth and team.

AVOID the most common sales growth, hiring, and scaling pitfalls.

INITIATE your Sales Team Hiring Process with a system to help you identify, find and hire world-class sales talent and sales leadership to propel your startup forward.

TRANSFORM your business, your sales process, your team, and your mindset.

BUILD a repeatable, scalable sales process for your B2B startup.

Your Sales Roadmap to $100MM ARR: From Startup to Scale Up

In this exclusive, in-person event, you’ll join a small group of high-achieving startup CEOs from all over the world to work together throughout a two-day immersive experience, led by Amy and Scott.

Both have spent decades working in and with some of the most recognizable startups and tech companies in the world.

Throughout these two days, they will personally help you identify, adapt and immediately implement the sales processes and hiring systems you need as a startup CEO to scale your company’s revenue and hire your world-class sales team.

Your Scalable Sales Process, led by Scott Sambucci

Every startup wants to scale their sales, and that starts by having a repeatable sales process that includes –

  • Prospecting and lead gen strategies that predictably lands meetings with your ICPs…
  • Running your Discovery Calls & Product Demos like a boss…
  • Selling to the real Decision-Makers at your target accounts…
  • Establishing the Right Pricing Model that reflects what you deserve to charge…
  • Implementing, onboarding, retaining and up-selling to your customer base so that you keep them for life…

Your Hiring System, led by Amy Volas

Amy will teach you the key steps of a successful GTM hiring framework — when to hire, how to find the right people for the right seats for YOUR startup  — from job description to the interview process and the importance of crafting the perfect offer for your perfect candidate.™

  1. Become a talent magnet: magnets attract and repel. Understand how to stand out to bring the right people into your startup.
  2. No fluff: cut through the clutter to learn through her proven process to create your winning framework.
  3. Flying with an experienced co-pilot: reduce your margin for error seeing her proven system to bring your hiring process to life.

She'll show you how to save time, money, and risk by addressing one of the most common pitfalls founders face... Hiring!

Ready to Get Started?

In addition to the two jam-packed days learning the selling strategies, sales hiring systems, and skills you need to grow and scale, you’ll also receive:

A private 1-1 session before the event to help you build a personal strategy for maximizing your time and investment. ($500 value)

A signed copy of Scott’s best-selling book – Stop Hustling & Start Scaling – and Amy’s Soon-to-be-Released-Shhh-it’s-a-Secret book scheduled to publish later this year…

Light breakfast on both days, plus coffee, tea & snacks along the way

($50 value)

A unique Chicago dinner event experience on Wednesday night

($150 value)

An invitation to a private breakfast session with Amy & Scott on Thursday morning. (Early Bird Tickets only!)

A publicity Headshot brought to you by Nicholas Knuth Photography

($100 value)

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What attendees are saying

Meet Your Hosts

Chief Sales Geek at SalesQualia

Scott Sambucci

Scott Sambucci is a startup coach, keynote speaker, podcaster, and best-selling author.

He has spent 25 years building and selling enterprise technology products as an executive at two publicly traded companies and leading three Silicon Valley startups each to their first millions in revenue.

Today, Scott and his team work with enterprise SaaS startups and tech companies all over the world and across several industries, including FinTech, HR Tech, EdTech, Health Care, Manufacturing, Construction, and artificial intelligence.

Founder & CEO at Avenue TALENT Partners

Amy Volas

With more than $100MM in revenue sold, a LinkedIn Insider and Top Sales Voice, Founder, Strategic Advisor, and LP at Stage 2 Capital, Amy Volas is a sales fanatic turned entrepreneur.

She was bitten by the startup bug many moons ago and couldn't imagine spending her time anywhere else.

She created Avenue Talent Partners to help grow early-stage startups through some of their most valuable assets - executive revenue leaders.

Who is this for?

This event is NOT for everyone. Even if you’re a startup founder looking for the kind of help and experience described here, that doesn’t mean your Brex card automatically qualifies you.

We have a few non-negotiable rules for this event pertaining to your participation in any and all parts of this two-day experience.


  • Be a B2B tech startup founder doing at least $50k MRR right now.
  • Acknowledge & accept there are no shortcuts, hacks, or magicians that will bestow you a $100m revenue engine.
  • Be willing to invest time, energy, and focus for two full days to work on scaling your sales & your team.
  • Agree to attend for the entire time on both days. This isn’t an “I’ll pop in for an hour or two, then run some calls in the hallway and check email during the sessions…” This is a small group with lots of interaction. If you’re going to attend, be present and prepared.
  • Be friendly & coachable. You will openly ask questions, share ideas, and proactively help your peers in the room. None of us is smarter than all of us. Give to get.
  • Follow The 100% Rule – You’ll get everything we’ve got in these two days from Scott, Amy, and their teams. But we can only give 100% of our 50%. For your experience to be transformative for you and your startup, you’ll need to give 100% of YOUR 50%.
  • Abide by our Code of Conduct.

As event organizers, Scott and Amy have the right and responsibility to screen every attendee before the event.

If we don’t feel like this event is for you, we’ll let you know politely and do our best to point you in the right direction. Money isn’t the only currency we care about…

If you’re good with this, and you’re ready to transform your business and yourself… Let’s do this!

Code of Conduct

This event is organized and hosted by Amy Volas and Scott Sambucci. The purpose is to create an event and an environment that is helpful, friendly, and constructive. We’ll learn together, laugh together and have fun together.

That means..

Event Guidelines

  • Zero-Tolerance Harassment Policy: We have a strict zero-tolerance policy for any and all personal attacks, threats, harassment, or discrimination of ANY group or individual for ANY reason during this event, or any event that Amy and Scott host and run. It won’t be tolerated. Period.
  • Not Therapy: The hosts are not licensed therapists. While they strive to help wherever they can, they do not have all the answers. If you are struggling with things not related to the business of selling, it's OK to ask for help, and we strongly encourage you to seek assistance from licensed and professionally trained counselors.
  • Communicate Effectively: Be specific and clear when asking questions so we can all benefit from hearing more topics in the limited time we have together.  Like anything, what you put into this group is what you get out of it.

Failure to follow these simple rules will result in you being removed from the event and blocked from joining future events.

Event Venue

150 N Riverside

150 N Riverside Plaza

Chicago, IL 60606